What did you do that you wish you didn’t after drinking tequila?

Señor Rio Tequila
3 min readApr 6, 2022

Ok, this one is a bit of a loaded question. We’re not trying to go all “Taxi Cab Confessions” on you all, but we do hear a lot of phrases paired with the word tequila. “Oh man, that was a night I’ll never forget,” and “Wow, that’s a night I definitely don’t remember!” are two of the contrasting quips that get thrown around quite frequently. While we can’t deny you had a great time in Cancun during that one spring break, there are also other aspects of regret that can come with our favorite spirit tequila. So let’s have some fun, and go down memory lane with a few of these!

I wish I hadn’t drank all that other stuff before!

So, believe it or not, we were once young people ourselves. And as young people, we drank some of the stuff we “thought” was tequila, but was really more of a marketing ploy. Now, we’re not going to name names, but there are spirits out there that aren’t actually tequila but are marketed as such. You’ve probably heard this from us before, but just in case you need a post tequila refresher, remember this: if it doesn’t say 100% de agave on the bottle, it’s not pure tequila, and that’s why you probably had a bit of an adventure that one night! Also, very important, there is no “gold” tequila. It’s reposado or anejo. Buying a gold tequila is like buying “champagne” made in Nebraska, it isn’t the real thing! So if you learn anything from one of those regretful nights, remember you want 100% blue weber agave, and a blanco, reposado, or anejo.

Alright, time to spill some secrets…

Stories that end up with strangers in Las Vegas notwithstanding, let’s talk about bad decisions. No, no, you can keep all the stories that end up with you asleep on the floor of the hotel lobby at 3 am to yourself, that’s all you. No, what we’re here to tell you is *why* you made those decisions after drinking tequila. Chances are, you were shooting it and chasing it with a lime. While we’ve checked our judgments at the door, we can say you were making a mistake. Shooting tequila is very much the college kid thing to do with the wrong tequila like the wrong guy. All true lovers of tequila know that it is a refined drink that is meant to be taken just as seriously as any other fine spirit. As always, Choose carefully making your selection, find which variety suits you, and take your time to savor it. Neat, on the rocks, or maybe in a delicious cocktail, all are great ways to truly enjoy quality tequila. But remember, no shooting! Not unless you want to forget about whatever you did that night, then you’re on your own!

Live without regrets!

As lovers of fine tequila ourselves, we believe in living without regrets and enjoying the moment. That is exactly what Señor Rio was made for: enjoying life and loving every minute of it. We absolutely encourage all our fans to celebrate with Señor Rio tequila any way they see fit, but remember the wise words we’ve offered above, and don’t say we didn’t warn you, Salud!

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Señor Rio Tequila

Senor Rio tequila is a hand crafted, artisanal ultra-premium tequila. Award-winning, a family recipe and woman owned! visit https://www.senorrio.com